D.R. Harris

For over two centuries, their family legacy thrived at the heart of London’s fashion scene, offering Lavender Water, Classic Cologne, and English Flower perfumes to the stylish elite.

Founded by the skilled hands of surgeon Henry Harris and pioneering chemist Daniel Rotely, they have stood as a timeless presence in the heart of the United Kingdom, serving nobility and the court of St. James’s. Once favored by Her Majesty the late Queen, and His Royal Highness the former Prince of Wales, their historic yet evolving apothecary shops remain a haven for quality skincare, fragrances, and timeless traditions.

Product range: D.R. Harris

Products Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, hand wash
Product line Cucumber & Roses
Packaging PCR plastic
Size 500 ml
Formula 97% natural, vegan

Product range: D.R. Harris

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